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“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:

The old has gone, the new is here!”  – 2 Corinthians 5:17

The idea of New Creation in addiction treatment is pulled directly from the Bible. And it is more than just starting over. It’s more than a fresh approach or getting a redo. The Christian understanding of New Creation is more like a complete transformation. It is like a destruction of the old. The new has nothing to do with what was in the past.

When you are in Christ, there is radical transformation. So much so that the old is gone.

This is excellent news!

Now and Yet to Come

Christianity is about transformation. The most important one is when we accept Christ and become new creations in him.

In Christianity, we are used to understanding things in terms of “right now and still yet to come.” This means something can be true in the present as well as in the reality of it still coming to fruition. For example, the kingdom of heaven is here now, and it is still yet to come.

But the complete transformation that happens now and continues to work in us is part of the faith. This can be true in addiction, as well.

The Biblical Verses Behind New Creation and Addiction Treatment

Several other verses help us understand this transformative idea. For instance, Ephesians 4:22-24 supports new creation and addiction treatment. It urges believers to put off the old self and put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

This choice to take on the new self is like hitting rock bottom and deciding to get the help we need. At that moment, a real spiritual change occurs. We still need to get physical help to find full recovery, but for many of us, we can point to that moment of fundamental transformation and new creation away from addiction.

Parallels Between New Creation and Addiction Treatment

In addiction treatment, the concept of becoming a “new creation” resonates deeply. Finding lasting recovery isn’t just about quitting or even getting sober. It is a fundamental shift that transforms an entire identity and outlook. The behaviors are one aspect, for sure, but the actual change occurs deeper. And it impacts every part of your life. It’s how you wake up in the morning; it’s how you care for the people around you, and it’s how you fundamentally become the best version of yourself.

Sound familiar? For people of faith, this sounds a lot like a conversion.

A double-exposure image of a woman with a mountain as a background and a cross showing the source of new creation in her life.

Faith’s Influence on Addiction Treatment

Beyond the idea of new creation, faith in Jesus can be a powerful ally in addiction treatment. It offers internal strength and guidance as well as a deep conviction about the purpose of life. Not to mention, people of faith have some experience of trusting God to make a difference in their lives.

Understanding and Redemption

A person who has already been saved has a particular ability to accept salvation again. Faith provides a framework for understanding the nature of addiction and the possibility of redemption.

Forgiveness and the work of salvation done for us in God and in Jesus gives the foundation for recovery. You already believe in the miracle of redemption; you know you have a part in keeping with it, but you also have faith that it can be done with God’s strength.

Faith-Based Treatment Centers

Faith-based treatment centers like Covenant Hills integrate spiritual teachings with traditional therapies. This is a holistic approach. It addresses body, mind, and spirit.

Though we have a traditional track, in our Christian track, you will find prayer, meditation, and Bible study alongside conventional therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), medical detoxification, and group counseling. You will see not just how they are integrated into treatment but how they are essential.

Again, recovery is not just about abstaining from substances but also about achieving overall well-being and spiritual health.

The New Creation Idea in the 12 Steps and the Big Book

The 12 Steps program, famously outlined in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, also echoes this idea of becoming a new creation.

Step 3 involves turning one’s will and life over to the care of God.

Step 6 requires being ready to have God remove all defects of character.

Step 11 seeks, through prayer and meditation, to improve our conscious contact with God.

Each of these steps encourages spiritual transformation, which aligns closely with the biblical idea of becoming a new creation.

Embracing a New Identity in Recovery

In addiction recovery, you have to become a new creation. It doesn’t matter if you are a person of faith or not. Without new creation, the old will not pass away. It will always be there. This is just another way that God’s way is a blueprint for real transformation.

This is also why understanding new creation and addiction treatment for Christians is a good starting point. It helps you grab hold of something that is already true and real for you. You also hold on to something true and real for millions of others across the globe who have become new creations in Christ.

Get Christian Addiction Treatment in Orange County

If you are looking for Christian addiction treatment in Southern California, call Covenant Hills Treatment Center today. We have been helping people win the spiritual battle over addiction for over 20 years. Call one of our addiction specialists today: 800-662-2873.