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Faith-Based Track

Christian Addiction Treatment Center in Orange County, CA

Covenant Hills has been compassionately and effectively treating drug and alcohol addiction at its beautiful treatment center for over twenty years. Our passion and focus is to return you to the clean, healthy, happy and productive person God designed you to be.

Why Choose a Faith Based Rehab in Orange County?

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When we say, “Christian Drug Treatment”, we mean that you can expect to be treated by highly accomplished professionals who follow Christ and strive to provide you with the love, understanding, compassion and care that Jesus demonstrated in his teachings and actions. We believe at our core that our mission is to serve Christ by serving you and helping you get back to being the person that you know is still inside you.

We are called to deal with all of the bio-psycho-social-spiritual aspects of addiction. Treatment must be comprehensive and aggressive. We know that left untreated, most die. Our Christian professional staff brings to our unique program the best of psychiatric, psychological, medical, behavioral, pastoral and theological training and experience in order to address substance abuse and the wreckage it brings to suffering human beings. Our goal is to actively stand alongside the walking wounded in the healing process, encouraging hope and renewal to their body, mind, soul, spirit and relationships.

And one of our addiction treatment specialists will get back to you and offer a free, confidential assessment.

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It’s Your Choice: Christian or Traditional Addiction Treatment

When you arrive at our treatment center, we offer you two distinct, yet overlapping programs—Christian 12-Step and Traditional 12-Step:

  • Our Christian addiction treatment program offers a Christ-centered, biblical approach to recovery.
  • Our Traditional program presents recovery based on God, as the individual may understand Him (as presented in Alcoholics Anonymous). The latter approach allows those that are confused about God or are searching for God the leeway to find Him gracefully, based on His perfect timing.

Clients are able to choose between our Christian and Traditional 12-Step programs and can even switch between the two during treatment. No matter which treatment program you choose, you will work with our experienced staff to overcome your addiction and find yourself again.

Want to talk? Call Now: 800-662-2873

Why Christian Addiction Treatment?

Our Christian drug rehab treatment programs focus on the entire person – the whole person approach to care. When we speak of the whole person, we refer to the “three legs of the stool” – mind, body and spirit. If we only address two of the three legs, the stool doesn’t support weight very well, is unstable and eventually will fall down.

It is an appropriate metaphor for the post-treatment reality. Many treatment programs only focus on the “mind” and “body.” While those post-treatment clients may feel refreshed for a time, they ultimately will need to draw inner strength and peace from their relationship with God to sustain their sobriety.

Up to 50% of those who make it through an addiction treatment program will later relapse. Those who relapse may never get another opportunity to recover. We know that those who receive some type of aftercare support, notably in 12-Step programs, are less likely to relapse and more likely to live longer.

Your turn to make a move

Freedom from addiction is available for you or your loved one

Call Now: 800-662-2873