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Drinking is simply part of the day in this country and even worldwide. It is part of the weeknight unwind, part of the Friday night party, part of the weekend barbeque, and part of the margarita Monday. It is in our history and our culture. But have you ever stopped during one of these times of life and asked the question, “Wait a minute. Is Alcohol a drug?”

If you have, you are not alone. Indeed, in our schools, we teach the kids that Alcohol is a drug. But what exactly do we mean by that?

Is Alcohol a Drug? Yes.

So, what is a drug? Well, it’s anything that can change your body and affect the chemicals and systems on a cellular level. It causes change. Prescription meds, caffeine, even that funky kombucha you tried—they all qualify.

Alcohol As Drug

The technical term for the drug of Alcohol is ethanol.

When it hits your bloodstream, your receptors brighten up a bit and give each other high fives, just like you may be doing to a complete stranger after your first sip. It acts like a brake pedal, calming things down. It brings on the relaxation. It also makes it so your brain cells have a tough time communicating. This is where the slurring comes from, along with your poor coordination and car accidents.

It does a lot of other things, but you get the picture. Does Alcohol affect your brain and body on a cellular level? Yes. Is Alcohol a drug? Yes.

Is Alcohol a Dangerous Drug? Also, yes.

So, Alcohol is a drug. But what’s the harm? Everyone does it. On Superbowl Sunday, it’s basically a national pastime. While this is how many view Alcohol, the darker aspects are right there for anyone to see if they are willing,

Here are some of the dangers of drinking Alcohol:

  • Liver Trouble: Your liver is your body’s detox center, but with excessive Alcohol, it’s like asking the mailroom to handle a tsunami of packages. Over time, this can lead to fatty liver disease, hepatitis, and even cirrhosis, where healthy liver tissue is replaced with scar tissue.
  • Brain Drain: Remember how ethanol messes with your brain cell communication? Well, chronic heavy drinking can shrink your brain and damage memory centers.
  • Heart Woes: Think of your heart as a tireless pump. Alcohol disrupts its rhythm and can lead to high blood pressure, cardiomyopathy (a weakening of the heart muscle), and even stroke.
  • Cancer Concerns: This one’s a biggie. Excessive alcohol consumption brings an increased risk of several cancers, including mouth, throat, liver, and breast cancer.
  • Accidents and Injuries: Let’s face it, impaired judgment isn’t exactly a recipe for safety. Alcohol is a major contributing factor to car accidents, falls, and other injuries.
Woman holds chest showing potential heart problems that can come from heavy drinking and alcohol addiction and wondering, is alcohol a drug?

Is Alcohol an Addictive Drug? Yes

The most significant danger of Alcohol is the one that keeps us coming back and coming back and coming back: the one that drains our bank account, our relationships, and our sense of self. Alcohol is very addictive.

But since it’s so ingrained in our society and our lives, the question that comes after, “Is alcohol a drug?” is: “How do I know if I’m addicted to alcohol?”

Sometimes, the line between enjoying a drink and having a dependent relationship with Alcohol is tough to see.

Here are 5 signs that might indicate you need help managing your alcohol intake:

  1. You Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop: This might sound obvious, but craving Alcohol and struggling to control your drinking are key indicators. Do you find yourself promising yourself “just one” and then having several?
  2. Daily Dependence: Does your day feel incomplete without a drink? Maybe you rely on Alcohol to unwind, cope with stress, or even sleep. This reliance on Alcohol is a red flag.
  3. Tolerance Takes Over: Remember how a few drinks used to do the trick? Now, it takes more and more effort to achieve the same effect. This is your body building tolerance to Alcohol, a sign of potential dependence.
  4. Relationships on the Rocks: Is your drinking causing problems with loved ones? Missed work deadlines, arguments, or neglecting responsibilities due to Alcohol are all signs that your habit is impacting your life negatively.
  5. Hiding the Habit: Do you find yourself sneaking drinks, lying about your consumption, or feeling ashamed about how much you drink? Hiding your behavior is a strong indicator of an unhealthy relationship with Alcohol.

Remember: These are just a few signs, and not everyone with an alcohol problem will experience all of them. If any of these resonate with you or if you’re concerned about your drinking, it’s important to reach out for help. There’s no shame in admitting you need support.

Getting Help for Alcohol Addiction In Orange County, CA

Your brain is an incredible organ. It controls our automatic systems and delicate chemical balance that keeps the entire body working together. But it is susceptible to influence, especially from drugs.

If you have an alcohol addiction, you have a disease of the brain. It is crucial to get help today. If you are looking for an addiction center in Southern California with over 20 years of experience helping people overcome alcoholism, call us today. Our team is ready to answer your questions and get you the treatment you need. Call now: 800-662-2873.