Addiction is more than a physical disease. It sneaks into our lives and sews chaos wherever it can find space to exist. It is a spiritual sickness that makes us believe that life is only a disaster and our entire personhood has eroded into worthlessness. And we don’t know how to fix it or even where to start. When people ask, “What is Celebrate Recovery?” This is usually the space they are coming from.
Celebrate Recovery is not a church but a faith-based program that works to get people at the heart of addiction with a spiritual understanding and hope.
What Is Celebrate Recovery?
Celebrate Recovery is a Christian-based, 12-step recovery program founded in 1991 by John Baker and Rick Warren at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California. While AA is God-focused and spiritually oriented, it is not explicitly Christian. Baker and Warren both believed that a Christ-centered approach to addiction treatment was needed in the addiction treatment landscape.
Intended to cover both physical addiction and a broader range of emotional, relational, and behavioral struggles, Celebrate Recovery was born out of this movement of Christ-centered 12 steps and the deeper spiritual need in addiction recovery, along with the healing that only Christ can offer.
Taking its structure from the beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount, alongside the traditional 12-steps, this program is designed to foster community as well as help people find deep spiritual healing. At the same time, their body gets the treatment it needs for recovery. Celebrate Recovery digs into real-life issues, from addiction to anxiety, from shame to strained relationships.
Is Celebrate Recovery a 12-Step Program?
Celebrate Recovery mirrors the 12-step framework. It uses all the steps, but they are modified slightly to reflect a deeper scriptural truth. And each step is given a biblical reference.
For example, here is the first step in traditional 12-Steps:
“We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable.”
And here it is in Celebrate Recovery:
“We admitted we were powerless over our addictions and compulsive behaviors, that our lives had become unmanageable.”
Romans 7:18 – “I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.”
Also, Celebrate Recovery gets rid of language such as “higher power.” Its strength is in claiming and using the name of Jesus and not shying away from a deep-rooted belief in God.
How Does Celebrate Recovery Work?
Celebrate Recovery meetings are divided into two parts. First, there’s the large group gathering, where everyone comes together for worship, teaching, or a testimony. It’s the place where you realize you’re not alone—there are other people navigating their own messy stories, too.
Then there are the small groups—gender-specific and issue-focused. This is where the deeper work happens. These groups are designed to be safe places where you can unpack your baggage without fear of judgment.
That said, it’s not easy. Vulnerability is like ripping off a Band-Aid. But in Celebrate Recovery, it’s the first step toward letting Christ heal your wounds.
The program also emphasizes the importance of accountability partners and sponsors, who help keep you honest and supported along the way. It’s not about fixing your problems overnight but learning to face them with tools that are spiritually and emotionally sound.
Key Components of Celebrate Recovery
- Christ-Centered Focus: Recovery built around biblical teachings and the person of Jesus.
- Accountability Partners: No one climbs this mountain alone. Support matters.
- Safe Small Groups: Gender-specific spaces for vulnerability and growth.
- Practical Steps: A faith-based approach to traditional recovery principles.
- Focus on the Whole Person: Celebrate Recovery addresses addiction, relationships, shame, and more.
How Is Celebrate Recovery Different from Covenant Hills?
Celebrate Recovery is a powerful resource for healing, but it’s not the whole story. Think of it as a great place to continue recovery. It’s a good place to land after you have already done the work of addiction treatment.
In an ideal situation, you would find a Christian addiction treatment center like Covenant Hills Treatment in Orange County, California, to give you the foundation of recovery. Here, you find the same faith-based focus and Christ-centered transformation but with layers of professional treatment and individualized care to address the deep physical and psychological roots of addiction.
Why Christian Addiction Treatment Before Celebrate Recovery?
Covenant Hills offers a full continuum of care, from detox to residential treatment to outpatient programs, integrating faith into every step. You won’t just find Bible studies—you’ll find evidence-based therapies, trauma-informed care, and Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) when needed, all held together by a foundation of Christ’s love.
The Christian elements at Covenant Hills are practical as well as spiritual. You’ll find prayer and worship, yes, but also licensed professionals who understand the psychological and physiological aspects of addiction. And because the environment is designed to support recovery, there’s space to work through the hard stuff without the distractions of daily life.
Why Both Matter
Celebrate Recovery and Covenant Hills aren’t competing options—they’re complementary. One is a community-driven program to keep you accountable and supported long-term, while the other is an intensive treatment center designed to address the roots of addiction.
Together, they create a roadmap for a life that is not just free from addiction but flourishing in its place.
Addiction is complex, and recovery requires more than willpower. It takes faith, science, community, and an honest reckoning with ourselves. Celebrate Recovery meets you in the midst of that reckoning. And if you’re ready for a deeper level of healing, Covenant Hills is here to start you on the path of full, Christ-centered recovery.
Christian Rehab in Orange County
Healing doesn’t come from avoiding pain but from facing it with courage. Whether you step into a Celebrate Recovery meeting or reach out to a treatment center like Covenant Hills, take the first step. Your story isn’t over yet, and hope is waiting on the other side.
For more information about our Christian-based addiction treatment, reach out to us today. Your healing matters and help is only a call away. Call now: 800-662-2873.