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When it comes to addiction, substance use disorders, and making the vital decision to get help at a rehab center in Orange County, there are so many personal issues that ever person has to confront. But there is good news: simply asking this question is such a powerful act.

People often tell themselves that their “problem” is just that—not an addiction. Most people actually experience a degree of fear: what will I do without alcohol or drugs in my life. Here is more good news: life can be even better, more joyous, more rewarding without any substances.


The question remains, do I need a rehab center? We don’t want to overwhelm you here, so we are going to keep this brief. If you are experiencing these 3 things, give us a call. We can talk more.

1. Involvement in Risky Behavior

Have you woken up and realized you are engaged in an activity and are in disbelief? People addicted to drugs or alcohol engage in activities that they would not otherwise engage in if they were not under drug influence. Some of these activities could be illegal activities, violence, driving while under the influence, and involvement in risky sexual activities.

2. Withdrawal Symptoms

Drugs often have an after-use feel. However, if you notice that you experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop using a drug, you have become dependent on the drug.

Some of the withdrawal symptoms include headaches, trembling, vomiting, diarrhea, body aches, insomnia, anxiety, and depression, among many others. Different people experience different withdrawal symptoms depending on the drug, their level of consumption, and body chemistry.

3. You Are Using Drugs as a Scapegoat

Are you suffering from anxiety, depression, or any mental issue and using drugs to escape from your issues? Drugs may offer temporary relief from life issues. However, their continued use will cause more problems. The only way to solve this addiction is to address the underlying issue causing the problem.

Addiction to drugs or alcohol is an illness and requires treatment. If you have noticed any of the above signs, you need to seek rehab services immediately. The professionals will analyze your condition and enroll you in a rehab program to help you with your addiction.

What are the criteria for addiction:

  • Lack of control
  • Desire to quit but unable
  • Spending a lot of time trying to get the substance
  • Cravings
  • Lack of responsibility
  • Problems with relationships
  • Loss of interest in hobbies and life
  • Dangerous use (risky behavior)
  • Worsening situations
  • Tolerance
  • Withdrawal

What Does Addiction Help Look Like?

Every addiction treatment progam will be different, but at Covenant Hills Christian Addiction Treatment program, you can expect the program to be something like this.

  1. Assessment and Intake: Upon admission, you would undergo an assessment by the treatment team to evaluate your addiction severity, medical history, and any co-occurring mental health conditions. This information helps determine the appropriate treatment plan.
  2. Detoxification (if necessary): If you require medical detoxification to safely manage withdrawal symptoms, you would undergo this process under the supervision of clinical professionals. Detox helps rid your body of drugs or alcohol and stabilize your physical condition.
  3. Individualized Treatment Plan: Based on the assessment, a personalized treatment plan would be developed to address your specific needs and goals. It may include various therapeutic modalities, such as individual counseling, group therapy, family therapy, and holistic approaches.
  4. Counseling and Therapy: Individual therapy sessions with a trained counselor or therapist would help you explore the underlying causes of your addiction, develop coping skills, and work towards recovery. Group therapy sessions provide a supportive environment for sharing experiences, gaining insights, and building a sense of community.
  5. Dual Diagnosis Treatment: If you have co-occurring mental health disorders alongside your addiction, specialized treatment may be provided to address both conditions simultaneously. This may involve medication management, therapy, and integrated treatment approaches.
  6. Holistic and Experiential Therapies: Many rehab programs incorporate complementary therapies to support overall well-being. These can include art therapy, music therapy, yoga, meditation, mindfulness practices, and physical fitness activities.
  7. Educational Sessions: You may attend educational workshops and lectures to learn about addiction, relapse prevention strategies, stress management techniques, and life skills necessary for sustained recovery.
  8. Aftercare Planning: As your time in rehab nears completion, the treatment team will work with you to create an aftercare plan. This may involve connecting you with outpatient counseling, support groups, sober living arrangements, or ongoing therapy to help maintain sobriety after leaving the facility.
  9. Alumni Support: Many rehab centers in Orange County offer ongoing support for their alumni through follow-up programs, support groups, or alumni events. These resources can help you stay connected, reinforce your recovery, and provide ongoing guidance and encouragement.
  10. Length of Stay: The duration of rehab programs can vary, typically ranging from 28 days to several months. The length of stay depends on the severity of the addiction, progress in treatment, and individual needs.

Do I Need Addiction Treatment?

Located in the serene beauty of Orange County, our facility provides a peaceful and nurturing environment for your recovery journey. Surrounded by nature, you will find solace and inspiration as you focus on your healing and growth. Our amenities and comfortable accommodations ensure that you have the support and comfort you need throughout your stay.

At Covenant Hills Treatment Center, we are dedicated to long-term success. Our commitment to your recovery extends beyond your time with us. We provide comprehensive aftercare planning, relapse prevention strategies, and ongoing support to help you navigate the challenges of post-treatment life.