Recovery success includes aftercare. Aftercare is simply the additional care and/or intervention that follows the residential portion of addiction treatment. There are several kinds of aftercare options available depending on the addiction program services you have experienced.
Addiction Aftercare Programs
in Orange County, CA
Covenant Hills' Aftercare Program in Orange County
Staying motivated on the journey of recovery after leaving a treatment facility is the goal. Recovering addicts who pursue aftercare options are less likely to relapse and live out a healthier life. In treatment, a lot of knowledge, life skills, coping skills, and solid emotional support is given to help guide a person to break free from addiction. The hard work begins when one goes home. Facing problems and triggers within normal, everyday living is a challenge that can be made easier with support and reduce the risk of relapse.
Preventing relapse keeps you moving forward in life, not stuck on what may feel like the hamster wheel of addiction. Continued support can strengthen your ability to spot the triggers and warning signs to prevent relapse for good mental and emotional health.
Can Relapse Happen to me?
Addiction need not be a life sentence. Relapse can happen, but it does not have to. According to the NIH, addiction may not be able to be fully cured, but like other chronic diseases, it can be managed successfully. [1]
To learn more about the Covenant Hills Aftercare Program, call our nationwide drug and alcohol abuse help line at 1.888.758.9677 to talk with one of our experienced aftercare specialists.

What Is Aftercare?
Learn More About Addiction
Treatment in Orange County CA
To learn more about the Covenant Hills Aftercare Program, call our nationwide drug and alcohol abuse help line at 1.888.758.9677 to talk with one of our experienced aftercare specialists. We are available 24/7 and will always answer your call with a live person.
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