Covenant Hills understands the pull that a cocaine addiction can have on you. Our cocaine rehab treatment programs have helped thousands over the past twenty years return to a normal, balanced and happy life, and we can help you overcome your addiction.
Cocaine addiction treatment at Covenant hills is highly effective and offers long-lasting change. It starts with one of the most experienced and acclaimed cocaine treatment teams in the country. Our staff is caring, talented and ready to care for you from the moment you arrive. Our sole focus is to help you recover completely, restoring your strength, dignity, energy and happiness.
Commonly Abused Types of Cocaine
There are a few main types of cocaine that are commonly abused. Cocaine be snorted in powder form, smoked in solid form, or injected in liquid form. While cocaine provides an initial momentary rush of energy, a sense of self-confidence and activity, its effects wear off quickly. Most cocaine users, whether they consume it in powder, solid or IV form, quickly sense perceived need to ingest more.
Covenant Hills has treated all forms of cocaine addiction for almost two decades, using a proven 12-step model. Our cocaine rehab programs focus on cleansing the physical addiction from your body while also strengthening the emotional, nutritional, social, fitness and spiritual components of your life.
The Signs & Symptoms of Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine is a highly addictive and can become all-consuming, taking a vicious hold on your body and destroying the structure of your personal, familiar, social and professional life. As a powerful stimulant, it produces chemical changes in the brain that trigger heightened senses of euphoria.
Whether you are snorting, smoking or shooting up cocaine, it can be very hard on your heart and blood vessels. Some of the following symptoms and side effects of cocaine addiction can include:
- Nose bleeds (snorting)
- Needle tack marks and infections (injecting)
- Burned lips and fingers (smoking
- Enlarged heart
- Heart Attack
- Cardiac Arrest
- Racing heart rate
- Aggressiveness
- Hallucinations
- Delusions
- Paranoia
- Overconfidence, risky behavior
- Depression
- Facial ticks
- Grinding of teeth
- Exhaustion
- Long periods of sleep
Over time, built up tolerance requires the body to crave increasing amounts to achieve a similar euphoric feeling. Because of that, cocaine can take a strong hold on your entire being, and can quickly lead to addiction.
Cocaine Withdrawal Stages
If you are unable to take your usual amount of cocaine, you may experience withdrawal symptoms, like:
- Intense cravings
- Cold sweats and chills
- Tremors and shakiness
- Body aches
- Exhaustion
- Depression
- Inability to concentrate
Do these symptoms seem familiar? At Covenant Hills, we understand what you are going through. Addiction to cocaine can destroy lives. Left untreated, permanent physical and mental damage can occur.
Fortunately, cocaine addiction is absolutely treatable. Covenant Hills’ proven cocaine rehab programs can help you regain your life. Would you like to feel whole and healthy again? Would you like to be free from a secretive life spent planning your day around your drug use, hiding your use from family and loved ones, deteriorating performance at school or work, risking legal issues and serious medial consequences?
At Covenant Hills, we care about you and are ready right now to provide long-lasting care by healing your body, refreshing your mind and strengthening your spirit – completely.
Cocaine Addiction Treatment in Orange County
The Covenant Hills Promise to You. We believe in an environment of respect, compassion, trust and confidentiality in all of our interactions with you. Many facilities promise quick fixes. At Covenant Hills, we know that quick fixes do not lead to lasting recovery. You can count on us to provide you with the best, proven and caring treatment with one focus on returning you to wholeness, strength and happiness again.
We are ready to speak with you 24/7. Just pick up the phone and call (800) 662-2873 now. We will take as much time as you need to listen to you and explain our various treatment options. Don’t wait. We will answer your call matter what time you call. Start the process toward your new life today